frequently asked questions


still got questions?
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There are not many, but only one. To answer your question, my teachings are based on Patanjali Maharishi’s ashtanga yoga, and I have added a few of my own flavors to it.

21 days.

No, I don’t. However, where there’s a will, there’s a way.


One at a time for the whole duration of the coaching.

With all due respect, please visit a doctor.

With all due respect, please find some other place. There are plenty of gyms & other yoga studios which offer what you seek.

Certainly, but if this is what you’re seeking, you will be disappointed. More often than not, the root cause is poor planning and time management. Adding yoga to your schedule won’t alleviate, but rather exacerbate your stress. Please sort out your priorities.

In minutes, 40 feels natural, 60 is akin to a challenging workout, and 80 requires immense determination, some persuasion. (and results in a bit of pain 😅)

Discipline and determination are non-negotiable.

Please forgive me. However, practicing patience can be quite rewarding 😉