
I earned my degree in
Computer Science & Engineering
the Faculty of Technology and Engineering at MSU of Baroda.

2011 - 2013

Beginning my professional journey at Gameloft in Hyderabad, India, I initially worked on J2ME-based games tailored for Nokia phones. Later, I transitioned to porting 3D games from the iOS platform to Android. ‘Wild Blood’ was a notable project during this time. My growth was evident when I rose from a junior role before Gameloft’s India studio closure in February 2013.


Post-Gameloft, I joined Nautilus Mobile, a start-up founded by ex-Gameloft game producers. I played a pivotal role in launching ‘Song of Swords’ across iOS and Blackberry. Our subsequent venture, Real Cricket ’14, and its successors, notably Real Cricket ’22, have claimed the title of premier cricket games on mobile platforms.

2014 - 2018

Joining Harman International in Pune, India as a Senior Software Developer marked a shift in my focus towards Automotive Software Engineering. Here, I contributed significantly to various projects:

  • Developing vehicle features in HMI for the JLR NLI project.
  • Contributing to the HMI Framework for Oakland Infotainment.
  • Crafting an HMI Framework in Qt for Maruti Suzuki, leveraging the State Machine Design Pattern and Yakindu SCT.

My expertise also benefited projects for MAN SCANIA and TATA Motors.

Following my heart

2015 - 2018

From childhood, I was drawn towards the philosophical and spiritual wonders of Indian epics. Enthralled by tales of Rama, the intricate narratives of the Mahabharata, timelessly beautiful teachings of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, the profound depths of the Maha Puranas, and the enlightening Upanishads, my heart was set on a path of exploration. However, yoga as portrayed in these texts wasn’t just about physical mastery. Though initially intrigued by Patanjali’s yoga sutras, my enthusiasm ebbed until 2015 in Pune. Here, under the guidance of Mr. Girish Joshi, a very well known yoga teacher in the locality, my passion for yoga was reignited. His teachings led me to Yoga Vidhya Gurukul in Nashik. By early 2017, I emerged as a certified yoga teacher and continued imparting knowledge until 2018, when Germany beckoned. This journey wasn’t about trends; it was a heartfelt pursuit. I encourage you to visit my very own PO’s yoga to find out more!

Following my dream

2018 - 2021

Germany, a hub of the automotive industry, saw me join MBition as a Senior Software Developer. Here, I was integral in developing the digital instrument cluster, Gen20x, for the S-class lineup, following the NTG7 architecture.

2021 onwards

Shifting Gears: From Auto Code to Altruistic Cause

With a decade of software development experience under my belt, seven of which were dedicated to core automotive software engineering, I felt compelled to impart my knowledge to the next generation of automotive software engineers. Some might say I have a knack for quickly transitioning from one endeavor to another but this constant movement is driven by my insatiable curiosity, passion, and an innate hunger for new technologies. While I haven’t explored every nuance of automotive technology, I sensed the trajectory of current advancements and realized that what lay ahead did not captivate me as before.

What I truly desired was a role where my contributions would have a broad impact, allowing me to disseminate my vast reservoir of knowledge and experience. This quest led me to a doorway labeled ’42 Wolfsburg’, not precisely the opportunity I had been yearning for, but definitely a step in the right direction. I accepted their offer to become the Tech Lead at 42 Wolfsburg, an avant-garde institution shaping the software engineers of tomorrow.

42 Wolfsburg is an extension of the tuition-free 42 network coding schools founded by Xavier Niel. Located in Wolfsburg, Germany, this school uses a peer-to-peer learning model without traditional teachers, focusing on hands-on coding projects. It aims to bridge the tech industry’s skills gap by producing adept software engineers.

At “42 Wolfsburg”, my responsibilities spanned three primary areas:

  1. Constructing and sustaining the organization’s IT framework.
  2. Managing the campus’s educational IT infrastructure.
  3. Launching an innovative program centered on automotive software engineering, which I will elaborate on in the subsequent section.

2022 onwards

SEA:ME is a program under the umbrella of 42 Wolfsburg, offering a peer-learning, master-level curriculum designed to train students in Automotive Software Engineering. The program’s distinct approach requires students to undertake 100% hands-on, theme-based learning projects, all executed in alignment with agile practices.

As the Technical Program Manager, my responsibilities are vast and varied:

  1. Content Creation & Maintenance: I’ve authored and continually updated our learning content.
  2. Team Leadership: I lead a team of learning facilitators, who serve as junior researchers and developers, specializing in three distinct subfields: embedded systems, autonomous technology, and mobility ecosystems.
  3. Learning Management System (LMS) Maintenance: I developed and now oversee our LMS hosted on GitHub.
  4. Community Management: I orchestrate a community comprising experts from various automotive software industries, including stalwarts like VW, CARIAD, MBition, Microsoft, Bosch, Capgemini, T-Systems, and many more. Additionally, I collaborate with senior professors from various academic institutions. Currently, we boast a strong cohort of 50 fellows, a number that’s continually on the rise.
  5. Global Outreach: I manage SEA:ME on an international scale, liaising closely with our principal partners, VWGK & COSS. The latter is a consortium of seven universities in South Korea, predominantly led by Kookmin University (KMU).
  6. SEA:ME Lab Oversight: I supervise the SEA:ME Lab, guiding our students towards their areas of interest within automotive software engineering.
  7. Strategic Planning: I’m responsible for the overarching strategy and planning of the program.
  8. Financial Oversight: I oversee the program’s budget and finances.

In essence, at the helm of the SEA:ME program, I guide its vision, trajectory, direction and ensure its success, a role I cherish and anticipate enjoying for years to come.

Following my intuition

2023 onwards

is it really a problem?
identify the problem worth solving
we expect machines to be creative and humans to be data-driven
go local, go cultural
go diversifying
learning what matters
through learning that matters